I've been a bit lazy lately about posting stuff here, but here it is finally.
Standard rock, paper, scissors game, first time I wrote every non-anonymous function as an arrow function.
Everything works fine, but I think that it could be refactored a bit, so I will definitely have that in mind.
Github link
I had some health problems so I didn't write this right away, but here it is.
Again, nothing too complex, I was practicing visual design skills which I lack, but I really think it looks nice.
Github link
The bread and butter of every serious web developer.
Seriously, I just wanted to use ES6 class constructor function, and to mess with the DOM a little bit.
The result is astonishing!
I'm couple of days late with this input, but better late than never.
Here is my speech recognition app (although my laptop mic is not the best choice to go with) that reconizes user's speech and translate it into english words on the screen.
It is made with using SpeechRecognition interface of Web Speech API (which is, btw, still experimental techology if you look it up on MDN site). Basic functionality is here, but unfortunately, it doesn't work offline.
Github link
Here is my latest work, a consulting company web site. It's not anything complex, actually it is a pretty cookie cutter design, but it helped me to grasp a bit more on the responsive design, with which I'm still not 100% comfortable yet, butt I'm getting there.
This is also the first time that I've implemented smooth scrolling, which is imo a pretty cool effect, and to achieve what I wanted, I've used - jQuery(!).
One more thing is that this is a pretty good example to refactor things, especially because there a lot nested elements that have the same class prefixes. I will do this in SASS.
Github link